For 40 years, we've been driving our country's economic and social progress. Four decades shaping Spain.
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Video library
Here you can find all the audio and video materials we produce regarding the different events and projects that Red Eléctrica undertakes. This audio-visual information, which can de downloaded, includes, when necessary, links and supplementary documentation.
Our transmission grid in detail
We are responsible for the development, maintenance, and renewal of the electricity transmission grid to make electricity safely accessible to the entire community.
Cacicedo-Astillero underground electricity line
Red Eléctrica commissions the new Cacicedo-Astillero underground electricity line to cover the demand of the Santander Bay area. This infrastructure is essential to guarantee the quality and security of supply in the Santander Bay area, as well as to contribute to the sustainable development of the region's main industrial, economic and social hub.
New underwater electricity link between Ibiza and Formentera
This new interconnection consists of an underwater 132 kV double circuit link circuit between the islands of Ibiza and Formentera, which connects the Torrent substation, in Santa Eulària des Riu, and a new substation built in Formentera, in the Es Ca Marí industrial area.
2021-2025 Strategic Plan - Looking to the future
Our goal: to drive the green and digital transformation and we do so with a plan that is realistic, honest and fully transparent and is a true reflection of our purpose: to guarantee the electricity supply and ensure connectivity, driving a green transition that is fair and based on sustainability criteria, showcasing our neutrality and contributing to social and territorial cohesion.
Welcome to Redeia
Grupo Red Eléctrica is now Redeia. Valuing the essentials