For 40 years, we've been driving our country's economic and social progress. Four decades shaping Spain.
National Planning
National Planning
We collaborate in the definition of the infrastructures necessary to integrate renewables and meet new electrified consumption safely and reliably, thus contributing to the construction of a more efficient and sustainable country.

Designing a More Sustainable Future
The electricity transmission grid must adapt to the new requirements that arise. Therefore, we support the General State Administration in defining and designing transmission grid development plans for new infrastructures that will help to maintain the guarantee of supply in the most efficient and sustainable way possible in our country and contribute to the construction of a European electricity system that is better prepared for the challenges of the future.
How do we do this?

What is a Transmission Grid Planning Process Like?
It is a participatory process under the responsibility of the General State Administration, which involves both the General State Administration and the regional governments, the National Commission for Markets and Competition, Red Eléctrica, as well as all stakeholders in the electricity sector. In addition, society in general is given a voice through the information and consultation processes.
The Latest in Planning

El MITECO inicia el procedimiento para elaborar la Planificación de electricidad con horizonte 2030