For 40 years, we've been driving our country's economic and social progress. Four decades shaping Spain.
Respect for the natural environment, biodiversity conservation, and commitment to combating climate change are the cornerstones of our environmental management.

Our aim: to leave a positive impact
We consider the environment a key asset in our operations. We minimise our impact because we firmly believe we can and must preserve our surroundings and improve them for future generations.
We honour our commitment by developing biodiversity enhancement programmes, restoring and compensating habitats, continuously reducing our carbon footprint, and promoting the circular economy, all while preventing and mitigating fire risks and paying particular attention to birdlife.
Environmental figures
million euros in environmental actions in 2023
bird-saving units in our network
agreements signed with environmental organisations and public administrations
How we do it
To deliver tangible benefits to the area and its residents, we follow a strict action protocol, establish a mitigation hierarchy, implement preventive and corrective measures, and compensate for our impacts.