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Voluntary Price for the Small Consumer (PVPC)
Voluntary Price for the Small Consumer (PVPC)
We publish the hourly electricity tariffs for users on the regulated tariff on a daily basis.

Calculation and publication of the PVPC
As of 1 January 2024, a new methodology for calculating the Voluntary Price for the Small Consumer (PVPC) is established, which affects the cost of energy associated with the regulated tariff detailed on the electricity bill.
In accordance with that set out in Royal Decree 216/2014, of 28 March, which establishes the methodology for calculating voluntary prices for the small consumer of electrical energy and the legal framework for contracting the PVPC scheme, Red Eléctrica publishes every day the hourly electricity tariffs that will be applied the following day.
Time bands of the PVPC
The PVPC, in the so-called 2.0 TD tariff, in force since 1 June 2021 replaces the three tariffs that existed until 31 May 2021 with a single tariff based on hourly discrimination and divided into different consumption periods throughout the day. The tolls and charges applied to the electricity bill vary according to the consumption period as follows:
- The peak period,when such regulated tolls and charges will be higher.
- The flat period, when the regulated costs have an intermediate impact.
- The valley period, when such tolls and charges will be lower.
The regulated costs associated with these periods are applied to the energy consumed and contracted power capacity of the electricity bill of consumers signed up to the PVPC scheme nationwide, although in the case of the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla, the applicable consumption time bands are displaced slightly.
Furthermore, the PVPC 2.0 TD invoicing scheme allows consumers to choose two different contracted power capacity periods depending on their consumption: one will be applied in the valley period and the other in the peak and flat periods.
Spanish Mainland, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands
Valley period | 00:00-8:00 | All day |
Flat period | From 8.00 to 10.00 From 14.00 to 18.00 From 22.00 to 24.00 | |
Peak period | From 10.00 to 14.00 From 18.00 to 22.00 |
Ceuta and Melilla
Valley period | 00:00-8:00 | All day |
Flat period | From 8.00 to 10.00 From 14.00 to 18.00 From 23.00 to 24.00 | |
Peak period | From 11.00 to 15.00 From 18.00 to 22.00 |
(Available only in Spanish)
- Royal Decree 216/2014, of 28 March, (recently amended by Royal Decree 446/2023 of 13 June) establishing the methodology for calculating voluntary prices for the small consumers of electricity and the legal framework for contracting the PVPC scheme..
- Royal Decree 148/2021, of 9 March, which establishes the methodology for calculating electricity system tariffs..
- Circular 3/2020, of 15 January, of the National Commission on Markets and Competition, which establishes the methodology for the calculation of electricity transmission and distribution tolls..
- Resolution of 18 March 2021, of the National Commission on Markets and Competition, which establishes the values of the access tolls to the electricity transmission and distribution networks to be applied as of 1 June 2021..
- Ministerial Order TED/371/2021 of 19 April, setting prices for electricity system charges and capacity payments applicable as of June 1, 2021..