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National statistical series
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Statistical series of the Spanish electricity system (data updated to September 2024)

All files are only available in Spanish

Index of seriesFiles in Excel formatFiles in text format
Producible hydroelectric energy and hydroelectric reservesDownload excel

 (XLSM, 301 KB)

Download csv

 (CSV, 747 KB)

Thermal unavailable capacityDownload excel

 (XLSM, 265 KB)

Download csv

 (CSV, 80 KB)

Transmission grid by autonomous communitiesDescarga excel

 (XLSM, 251 KB)


Conditions of use and limitations of liability

These files, property of Red Eléctrica de España, aim to disseminate statistical information regarding the Spanish electricity system, making it accessible to anyone interested. This statistical information is for public use; it is free and can be used freely, except for commercial or advertising purposes. Red Eléctrica de España assumes no liability for damages of any kind incurred as a result of the use, application, handling, change, modification or alteration, intended or not, of such information.

Red Eléctrica de España publishes the best information available with the informative purpose mentioned above, however, it makes no guarantee nor assumes any responsibility for damages of any kind whatsoever that may result from:

  • The unavailability, modification, maintenance or continued operation of the current information structure or dissemination of the data or the malfunction of its contents.
  • The lack of usefulness, suitability or validity of the information provided to meet the specific expectations, needs, activities or results of the user.

You may use and distribute, under your responsibility, the information provided above, providing you indicate their origin: You must state the date of the last update of the information object of your reutilisation, whenever it was included in the original.