Electricity control centre (Cecoel)
Electricity control centre (Cecoel)
To perform said functions the Cecoel has the corresponding teams of operators which, under the supervision of the Shift Manager, represent the operational unit called ‘operation shift’, which perform their functions 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
To ensure the security and quality of the electricity supply, the Cecoel issues the operating orders necessary for the correct scheduling of both electricity production and international energy exchanges in order to be able to manage the variations in demand and the possible unavailability of generating units. Additionally, operating orders regarding transmission grid elements must be issued to keep control variables within the ranges established in the system operating procedures.
The Cecoel continually controls the state of the grid and its electrical parameters, via a telecommunications network, acting on the control variables with the aim of maintaining the security and quality of supply or in order to re-establish the power service in the event that an incident occurs. Additionally, it manages the real time information received from power stations and grid facilities, providing it to operators in an easily understandable graphical representation so that the actions necessary to guarantee the security of the electricity system can be carried out.
The real-time information regarding the facilities not owned by Red Eléctrica is received at the Cecoel from the generation, distribution and consumption control centres qualified by the System Operator, through the real-time telemetry protocols defined in Operating Procedure 9.2 (P.O. 9.2).