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Logotipo de Red Eléctrica de España

Saturday, 30 November 2019

Daily statistics of the Canary Islands' electricity system

Definitive data to 11/11/2020 • 08:24:49

Daily energy balance (MWh) (1) Day Month %∆ Month Annual %∆ Annual Rolling year (2) %∆ Rolling year
Hydro 10 297 2,5 3.210 7,7 3.507 6,5
Diesel engines 5.618 151.117 -7,8 1.778.591 -8,5 1.955.243 -8,2
Gas turbine 723 18.704 -27,0 212.230 -20,0 231.136 -20,5
Steam turbine 6.292 184.816 -17,5 2.019.823 -10,2 2.227.065 -10,0
Fuel oil+gas 12.633 354.637 -14,2 4.010.644 -10,0 4.413.444 -9,8
Combined cycle (3) 8.281 233.081 -9,2 2.751.617 -0,9 3.025.603 -0,2
Hydrowind 20 2.097 132,7 22.089 -2,9 22.999 -4,3
Wind 2.170 125.116 285,6 1.069.390 85,1 1.113.717 80,4
Solar PV 657 18.324 13,3 261.641 3,3 280.352 3,5
Other renewables (4) 30 873 2,7 8.868 10,4 9.768 10,8
Cogeneration 0 0 - 0 - 0 -
Generation 23.800 734.424 1,9 8.127.460 0,3 8.869.389 0,2
Demand (b.c) 23.800 734.424 1,9 8.127.460 0,3 8.869.389 0,2
Adjusted demand (5) - - 2,1 - -0,2 - -0,3
Transmission losses -309 -10.651 15,7 -117.745 3,6 -128.160 3,0
Demand (distribution) 23.491 723.774 1,7 8.009.715 0,3 8.741.228 0,2

Generation structure

Rolling year aggregate
  • No renewable:
    • Diesel engines
    • Gas turbine
    • Steam turbine
    • Combined cycle
    • Cogeneration
  • Renewable:
    • Hydrowind
    • Wind
    • Solar PV
    • Hydro
    • Other renewables

Renewable energy

Renewable energy (MWh) Day Month %∆ Month Annual %∆ Annual Rolling year (2) %∆ Rolling year
Total (6) 2.887 146.706 189,6 1.365.199 57,9 1.430.342 54,7

Maximum demand

Maximum Demand Day Month Year Historical
Peak Load (MWh) 1.202 (20h) 1.317 (20h - 04/11) 1.372 (21h - 02/10) 1.496 (20h - 08/11/2007)
Daily demand (MWh) - 25.569 (05/11) 26.837 (02/10) 33.490 (10/06/2006)
  • Note: All variance percentages shown refer to the same period in the previous year.
  • (1) Allocation of production units according to primary fuel.
  • (2) Rolling year: cumulative value in the last 365 days, or 366 days in leap years.
  • (3) Uses gas-oil as primary fuel. Includes operation in open cycle mode.
  • (4) Includes biogas and biomass.
  • (5) After factoring in the influence of seasonal and working patterns.
  • (6) Includes hydro, hydrowind, wind, solar photovoltaic and renewable thermal.