Tax contribution

Tax contribution

The Red Eléctrica Group, within the framework of the development of good practices in corporate social responsibility matters and with the purpose of offering, on a voluntary basis, greater transparency on tax information for the different stakeholders, calculates and publishes its Total Tax Contribution, highlighting the relevant economic and social function derived from its tax contribution.

  • It measures the total impact derived from a company’s payment of tax.
  • It considers the total amount of all taxes borne (which represent an effective cost to the company) and collected (which are paid by other taxpayers as a result of the economic activity generated), at any level of the Public Administration.
  • It encompasses all tax payments made to Public Administrations.
  • It adapts to any tax regime of the world and its use is simple, even for people who do not have tax knowledge.

Total Tax Contributions 2017

Total 2016
Spain Perú Chile Others (UE) Total
Tax borne 238 2 2 - 242
Tax collected 414 5 1 - 420
Tax contribution 652 7 3 - 662


The total tax contribution of the Red Eléctrica Group to the relevant tax authorities in all countries in which it operates amounted to 662 million euros, Spain being the jurisdiction with the greatest tax contribution (99%).